Breakfast with environment Minister Marcin Korolec I Śniadanie z Ministrem Środowiska Marcinem Korolcem

Minister of the Environment, Marcin Korolec had been summoned to parliament to vote, so the event was attended by Piotr Woźniak, chief national geologist and under-secretary in the Ministry of the Environment, which focused on Poland’s nascent shale gas industry. The meeting, organized by the 13 chambers that make up the International Group of Chambers of Commerce in Warsaw, was held at the Polonia Palace Hotel on 8 March.


Meeting with the Minister of Finance Jacek Rostowski

“May 21 this year. Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski attended a breakfast with representatives of the Chambers States International Group of Chambers of Commerce in Poland (IGCC). In his speech recalled that during the crisis, Poland recorded the fastest economic growth across the European Union and the fastest economic growth across the OECD. He stressed that the cumulative growth of Polish GDP in recent years amounted to almost 16%, and increased share of public investment in GDP in Poland was the largest in the European Union. Minister Rostowski also pointed out that the pension reform and the reform of higher education will bring long term benefits for the security of Polish public finances.” – info. Ministry of Finance


Spotkanie członków IGCC z Prezydentem Polski Bronisławem Komorowskim